Western Australia Unveils 2024-25 State Nomination Migration Program

Western Australia Unveils 2024-25 State Nomination Migration Program

Western Australia has launched its 2024-25 State Nomination Migration Program, introducing significant changes to attract skilled migrants and address critical workforce shortages. This year’s program, part of the state government’s broader strategy to strengthen key industries, features streamlined processes and prioritizes occupations in high demand.

In a move welcomed by prospective migrants, the WA Government has eliminated application fees for state nomination, ensuring that financial barriers do not hinder eligible candidates. Furthermore, in a bid to promote fairness, both interstate and overseas applicants will now be ranked equally during the invitation process.

Key industries, including healthcare, education, and construction, are set to benefit from the program’s focus on priority occupations. To address the acute skills shortage in construction, the program offers reduced employment requirements for workers in this sector.

Additionally, the program has expanded its employment contract provisions under the General Stream, providing more flexibility for applicants. Skilled workers whose occupations are listed on the WA Skilled Migration Occupation List (WASMOL) Schedule 1 can take advantage of these new arrangements.

A Two-Stream Approach

The 2024-25 State Nomination Migration Program offers two primary pathways: the General Stream and the Graduate Stream.

The General Stream is open to a broad range of occupations on WASMOL Schedule 1 and 2. Applicants must meet specific criteria, including relevant work experience and a contract of employment in WA. Skilled workers from industries such as healthcare and construction are particularly encouraged to apply.

The Graduate Stream, designed to retain international students educated in WA, offers opportunities for those who have completed vocational education or higher studies in the state. This stream focuses on occupations listed on the Graduate Occupation List (GOL), with a strong emphasis on integrating graduates into the workforce.

Eligibility Criteria

Applicants in the General Stream must meet a set of stringent requirements, including a relevant skills assessment and English language proficiency. A minimum of one year of work experience in their nominated occupation is required, along with a contract for at least six months of full-time work in WA.

Graduate Stream applicants, on the other hand, must demonstrate two years of full-time study in WA and meet occupation-specific criteria. The program prioritizes higher education graduates, allocating up to 75% of nominations to them, with the remaining 25% reserved for vocational education graduates.

Application Process and Invitation Rounds

Prospective migrants must submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) through Skill Select to apply for the 2024-25 State Nomination Migration Program. Invitation rounds are expected to occur monthly, with selection based on factors such as occupation, EOI points, and submission date.

While eligibility for the program does not guarantee an invitation, candidates in high-demand occupations or with strong ties to WA are likely to have a competitive edge.

A Boost for WA’s Economy

The revamped migration program is poised to bolster Western Australia’s economy by addressing skill shortages in critical sectors. With an emphasis on equity and accessibility, the 2024-25 State Nomination Migration Program offers a promising avenue for skilled migrants to contribute to the state’s growth.

As Western Australia opens its doors to new talent, migration agents are gearing up to assist applicants in navigating the complex requirements. For those seeking to build a future in WA, the time to act is now.

For further details and assistance with the application process, contact Professional Visa and Education Services at (02) 9279 0473 or book an appointment at provisa.setmote.com.